Mamane’s story
Maradi, Niger
« I have been a peer educator since this year. I show people the problems of HIV»
« I did the test in year 3, I had a boyfriend, Angel, and we did the test in the hospital after sex. It’s important to take the test because girls today do too much silly things, and boys too. I explained to my friends that it had to be done.
Those who neglect the test do not go to school, for them it is not important. But I tell them it’s for their health. Some understand. Others are stubborn.
They say that anyway, now with antivirals, you can live with the disease.
I have only been doing theater this year. I do dance too. I would like to have the Bac and continue my studies.»
Par Vincent Tremeau
The challenges are to ensure better maternal health, equity for women, child survival, prevention of sexually transmitted infections, as well as the development of women and the well-being of families.