

Chad has 14.5 million inhabitants, 70% of them in rural areas. Chad grapples with security challenges associated with conflicts in bordering countries and the impact of climate change, which is accelerating the desertification and drying up of Lake Chad. The Chad economy relies primarily on oil production and agriculture.

Chad has taken in more than 450,000 refugees from Sudan, the Central African Republic and Nigeria, who represent almost 4% of its total population.

Despite the progress made between 2003 and 2011, the poverty rate remains high: one in five children will not make it to their fifth birthday and 40% of children suffer from stunted growth. Between the ages of 4 and 18, children only spend an average of five years in school. 

  • Total population 2020* : 14.5 M
  • Very young* population: 
    • 34% aged between 10 and 24
    • 47% aged under 15
  • Population growth rate* :
    • 3,2% per year in Chad
    • 1,1% per year in global terms
  • Fertility rate of women aged 15-49 (2015-2020)* : 5,7 children per woman

  • Contraceptive prevalence rate of women aged 15 to 49 (2018)* :

    • 7% all methods
    • 6% modern methods
  • Maternal mortality ratio (2017)** : 1 140 décès pour 100 000 naissances vivantes
  • Rate of early marriage* : 38% of adolescents aged 15 to 19 married
  • Early pregnancies* : 67,3% of adolescents under the age of 19 pregnant or have given birth
  • Unmet family planning needs* : 24% of women aged 15 to 49



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Read about some of our high-impact interventions:

Locally accessible services for mothers and children

The French Muskoka Fund has helped strengthen communication between community stakeholders such as local authorities, religious leaders, community health workers, the media and local radio.

Interventions have progressed steadily from a strictly promotional approach to a community-based approach, with the community at the center of dialogue, diagnosis and decision-making.

In Chad, traditional and religious leaders have been mobilized and engaged to prevent child marriage and promote essential family practices.

Community-based family planning

In Chad, initiatives have been taken to break down the religious barriers to family planning. Support was provided for members of the High Council for Islamic Affairs in Chad to carry out a fact-finding and study tour to Indonesia and Bangladesh. On their return, the tour’s participants organized an advocacy and education workshop on family planning, attended by 450 Muslim leaders.
The participants recognized the importance of family planning to a country’s development and committed to educating their followers on its advantages. The preachers’ association then organized an education and information session on family planning, attended by 650 followers.

 The fight against gender-based violence

In Mali, Senegal, Chad, Togo and Niger, around 700 community leaders were given training and guidance on their roles and responsibilities in the fight against GBV, discriminatory practices and maternal and child mortality by community committees working to prevent maternal, newborn and child morbidity and mortality, established with the help of some of the mayors.

Community influence has led to a reduction in rape with the introduction of community bylaws, and to a reduction in forced marriages in most of the countries, particularly in Chad.

Responses to crisis situations

The Lake Chad region is experiencing a humanitarian crisis, and has seen its already worrying maternal health indicators deteriorate rapidly. Working in complementarity with other partners as part of the “All4LakeChad” campaign, the FFM has helped fund interventions to manage refugees, internally displaced persons and returnees in three Chad health districts (Bol, Baga-Sola and Liwa). The strategies put in place included deploying 160 midwives and 3 gynecologists in health centers and hospitals, providing equipment and reproductive health products and getting traditional and religious leaders involved.
During the campaign, attendance at health training courses rose by 69%.



reduction in newborn mortality between 1990 and 2018 in Chad


reduction in under-five mortality between 1990 and 2018 in Chad


increase in the rate of births attended by qualified staff between 2010 and 2017 in Chad


reduction in the birth rate among adolescents between 2010 and 2015 in Chad


rate of modern contraception use by women in 2017 in Chad



N’djamena, Chad


N’djamena, Chad

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